Animated Short Film
The semester-long project for this course was a group project to create an animated short film in 2D or 3D. Each group had a maximum of 4 members, and each member was given specific roles to fulfill to participate in the film's creation.
My group partners were Damien Jones, Brittany Garza, and Kiana Morgan. Kiana was the Project Manager; I was the Recorder; Damien was the Materials Manager; and Brittany was the Planner. We dubbed ourselves Night Owl Films.
The story for our short film followed a pirate falling in love with a mysterious mermaid. As he tries and fails to woo her, they are suddenly attacked by a monster. The pirate tries to protect the mermaid but is defeated, leaving it up to the mermaid to rescue him.
Our goal was to create the short in 3D using Maya. We then split specific tasks among us. I was in charge of creating the main character sheets, a reference sheet for a prop, modeling one of the main characters, and animating Act 3 of the story.
With COVID-19's impact, our group was not able to complete the film as most of us did not have computers to handle Maya at home.
Early Development
Character sketches, concepts, and palettes during the pre-production phase.
Character & Reference Sheets
Finalized character sheets for the Pirate and the Mermaid, as well as a reference sheet for the Convertiboat.
Group Animatic
Completed animatic with each group member doing their assigned Act. I was in charge of Act 3, which begins at 00:44 and concludes at 00:59.
Final Exam
To substitute the final film, we could choose what to do for our final exam. I chose to create finalized concept art involving the main characters.